I wanted to create a few things in the spirit of the old saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade,” with a twist, because who doesn’t find tea comforting? This tote bag and coordinating mug are part of my new lemons collection in my Society 6 shop.
My Cats Made The Spoonflower Top 100
One of my new designs, Cats in Cardboard Boxes, has made the Spoonflower Top 100 new favorites, debuting at number 15—in a marketplace of over 750,000 designs, no less.
These cats are available on fabric, gift wrap, and wallpaper in my Spoonflower shop, home textiles and table linens in my Roostery shop, on home goods, bags, stationery, and apparel in my Society6 shop, and on pet dishes and tote bags in my Zazzle shop.
Tea, A Drink with Jam and Bread
Coming to my Spoonflower shop soon: a collection of Tea, Bread, Jam, and Spoon prints. I first learned textile surface pattern design in college twenty years ago. Back then, we were making our own screens and printing directly onto our fabrics by hand. So different from today’s digital design and printing options.